

POINT’s work has been exhibited at the National Museum of Contemporary Art, in Athens and Contemporary Space, in Athens European Centre for Architecture Art, Design and Urban Studies. Also, POINT’s project was selected, nominated and participated in Good Design Greece exhibition 2018, under the auspices of the Good Design Award, The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design. POINT won the Silver Award in the Interiors Awards 2020, the BigSEE Interior Design Award 2020, two BigSEE Interior Design Awards 2021, two BigSEE Interior Design Awards 2022, two BigSEE Awards 2023 and the German Design Award Special 2023.

We have been mentioned in publications such as kataskevesktirion.gr, ek-mag.com, elculture.gr, suckerpunchdaily.com, archisearch.gr, gooddesigngreece.com, el.ozonweb.com and archdaily.com.

Copyright © 2023 - 2025 POINT Architects - Αρχιτεκτονικό γραφείο Πάτρα